Weight Loss – What Successful People Do That The Others Don’t

A while back I asked my readers what they wanted to know about fitness.  I wanted to know what people needed to know to help them lose weight and achieve their fitness goals.

While I did get a good amount of responses asking specific questions, the overwhelming amount of readers informed me that they have a decent idea of what to do to reach their goals they just don’t do it.  They try for a while and quit or never start at all.

I realized that people asking the specific questions where the ones who were having the best results and the ones who were struggling where searching for motivation.

So what’s the difference between people who succeed and those who have a hard time? In the process of training hundreds of people over the years, I’ve noticed what successful clients do that the others don’t.  Here are a few of the traits of successful clients

They Know What They Want

You have to know exactly what you are working for.  It’s very important to set a specific long term and short term goal that you are trying to achieve.  This is basic goal setting.  More on goal setting below.

They Know Why

Even more important that what, is why.  Knowing why is what keeps you motivated.  You have to a have a reason and acknowledge your reasons to yourself.  Real reasons, not why people or books tell you should be fit, but the real reason you want it.

You have to want to do something to stick with it.  Why do you want to workout and eat right?  You probably don’t.  You just want what comes from eating right and exercise.  That is your reason for doing it.  The payoff is much more rewarding than the work.


They Are In It Long Term

Long term weight loss takes long term effort.  You can’t expect to rip off weight fast and keep it off.  You gained it slow you have to lose it slow.  It’s also important to know that you have to have a nutrition plan you can stick to for life and you have to cheat! Eat right 90% of the time and exercise consistently and you will have great results.  Just know that you have to do this for life and get out of the mindset that you can keep going up and down the roller coaster.  It doesn’t work.  Invest in yourself and invest in fitness for life.

They Have Confidence They Can and Don’t Make Excuses

Most people fail because deep inside they think they will fail.  Guess what?  The people who have had success aren’t anymore special than you.  Genetics aren’t making you fat, the man isn’t holding you down, you do have time to exercise, and no one is shoving food down your face.

Anyone can have great results.  You are a smart and special person who can figure this out and stick to it.  Think of all the things you have done in the past that you thought you couldn’t do.  Even as simple as riding a bike.  It seemed so hard at one time, but now its second nature.  Eating healthy and consistent exercise can be second nature just like riding the bike.  You just have to practice and not give up.

They Have A Step By Step Plan

You have to have a plan and you have to write it down.  It doesn’t have to be much, but at least write down the following:

Long term goal

Why you want it

Steps you will take to achieve it

Potential Obstacles

Solutions to Obstacles

3 short term actions to help you achieve it

How you will reward yourself when you do achieve it

Mapping out those things will give you a conscious plan of what you want and why you are working for it.  You have to remember why you want this when those times of temptation hit.

In summary, there are really two major traits of the people who achieve success that can be summed up in one sentence.  People who achieve success in fitness want it bad and remember they want it bad at all times.

Do you want it bad?  Why?  What are you going to do about it?

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