 Neutral Pelvis and Proper Posture in Resistance Training – Workout Your Midsection Without Sit-Ups Or Crunches

Many people ask me the best way to train their core. How often, what exercises, how long etc. One of the best ways to train your core is not through isolating your abs at all, but through training your entire body as a whole.

Training your midsection is a vital part of any fitness program. Some of the most valuable benefits are injury prevention, better performance, and of course a flat ripped stomach. One of the best ways to make sure you have a rock solid sexy trunk is to train with exercises that target multiple muscle groups like the squat, lunge, chest press, push up, rows, etc. It’s important to make sure that when doing these exercises you have a neutral pelvis.  What does it mean to maintain a neutral pelvis?  To keep it simple, you want to make sure that your lower back has a natural curve, imagine wearing a belt, the buckle should point straight ahead and not down.  

A good way to check posture is the put a broomstick or PVC pipe on your butt, back, head and make sure those 3 points of contact are maintained throughout any exercise. The key is to keep these points of contact with the pelvis neutral and the chin tucked, or neutral neck. 

It's important to make sure when you do these exercise you inhale and tighten the abs, glutes, obliques, and lock your lower back into its natural curve. Maintain this locked core and natural curve throughout the entire exercise. Make sure you inhale during the easier part of any lift and slowly exhale or hold your breath and  during the hardest part of the lift.

Even doing standing curls with perfect tall posture will increase your core training effect in comparison to doing curls seated or on a machine. After doing a routine that hits your entire body with exercises that target multiple muscle you should know that your core has been thoroughly trained. Do this 3 times per week every other day and you will be on your way to the strong core and fit body you are looking for.

If you are unsure if you are lifting with proper posture please make sure to ask one our trainers for help!

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